Monday, December 27, 2010

Our Christmas

Christmas as a mom is awesome.  While I rarely have the kind of fun I used to have before Clara, the fun that I have seeing the world with the wonder of a kid is much more satisfying.  I think it's the best of all worlds ... Aaron and I get to experience the wonder through Clara's eyes, but with the perspective of knowing how precious it is ... and with the privilege of helping make it so special.

This Christmas was especially fun, because Clara gets it (kind of). She learned all about Santa Claus and was particularly excited by the idea of reindeer visiting her house.  She also learned about Baby Jesus ("He wasn't borned in the hospital like Baby Audrey.  He was borned at the farm!") and had her whole class singing "Happy Birthday" to Him.  

Clara savored her gifts and especially enjoyed her "Doggy Doctor" kit and her ladybug sleeping bag (aka her "ladybag") from Gigi and Gramps.  

Audrey slept through the whole thing, which allowed us to focus on Clara, which was nice.  Next year will be awesome, though, with two little girls squealing in delight.  

We did miss the family and the snow, though.  Maybe Christmas in Pennsylvania next year?  

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Things Remembered, Things Learned

This "having two kids" thing is pretty intense, but we're hanging in there!  People say you forget what it's like to have a baby (or everyone would stop at one), but it's all coming back to me.

Things I Remember
  • Taking care of a newborn is totally aweso--oh kinda sucks sometimes. But the sweet times more than make up for it.
  • Our friends and family are so very thoughtful and generous.
  • The best way to wake up a sleepy nurser is not to tickle or undress her, but to try to take a shower, or try to nap yourself.
  • "A Baby Story" on TLC is a half-hour formula commercial.
  • No one in my building seems to go to work during the day.  What?
  • A baby dressed in head-to-toe pink, in a pink carseat, with a pink blanket, still looks like a boy to the people on the elevator.
Things I've Learned
  • My husband is more amazing than I ever realized.
  • Clara consistently wakes up more at night than Audrey.  And I actually miss those nighttime opportunities to parent her. 
  • My iphone is the most valuable item of baby gear I own (contractions, breastfeeding, diaper counts, appointments, shopping, sending cute pics to daddy...there's an app for that).
  • "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" is really good television.  Seriously.
  • Despite my intentions to do some things differently, I'm the same mama this time around.  Hopefully Audrey will turn out just as sweet and well-behaved...with none of Clara's bad habits...