Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Like Girls

In honor of Maybe, Possibly, Small Chance that We Might Find Out the Sex of the Baby Week, I thought I'd get something off my chest.  This has been bothering me ever since my peers and I entered the babymaking phase of life.  I guess I noticed it before becoming pregnant the first time, but that's when it really starting to get under my skin.  It seems that when the subject of "boy or girl" comes up (approximately 15 minutes after conception), the prevailing sentiment is "I would be fine if I had all boys.  Girls are trouble!"

Now, it's always women saying this.  (I don't think men could get away with that these days.)  What the heck is that all about?  What country are we in?  What decade is this?  As far as I can figure out, here are the common arguments:
  • Girls Are Moody - Otherwise  known as sensitive, expressive, emotionally intelligent?  Aren't these qualities we love about women, once they learn (i.e., we teach them) healthy ways to channel these qualities?  
  • Girls Have All Sorts of Social Issues - Otherwise known as I'm not confident enough in my parenting skills to help my daughter develop positive self-esteem, individuality, and kindness.
  • Girls Are Wild -  Otherwise known as they may become pregnant before they and you are ready. This is my personal favorite.  Sounds like someone made some bad decisions in their teens and twenties that they still feel a little guilty about.  And, don't boys play a role in this equation?  No one seems to worry about that. 
When I found out Clara was girl, I felt like I had been given a wonderful gift and challenge from God.  I felt honored that I was being trusted to guide a soul through the challenges that our society puts on girls and women, with the goal of helping her become a strong, sensitive, independent-minded, gracious, smart, successful woman - the total package.  I value myself enough to know that Aaron and I are up to the challenge.  

Now, boys are wonderful, and raising a boy would be a gift as well.  I am hoping for a boy this time around for Aaron's sake.  He always imagined having a boy for whom he could be a role model, and I would love for that to happen for him.  But, I can totally picture a sister for Clara to be close with, and if that's what happens, I will view our family as complete and perfect.