Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm Back, Baby!

So, yeah, it's been a while.  I've spent the past six months being a kick-ass full time working pregnant mother of a 2 year old.  I visited family in Illinois, Nashville, and Pennsylvania with a toddler in tow (one who thinks she is the expert on making her way through LAX).  I cowgirled up when my husband was given five hours notice that he was to spend 20 of the next 30 days traveling with the rodeo while I was 7.5 months pregnant.  I conquered a severe flea infestation.  I made and froze our Thanksgiving dinner.  I gained 36 pounds and may have done a little shopping.

But now.  Now, I am on maternity leave.  Today is my first day to myself since my 30th birthday in May 2009.  A leisurely shower, a movie on the couch, a little more shopping, and here I am!

When Clara was on the way, I figured she would be late like most first babies, but she came a bit early and I had to start my maternity leave early (i.e.,  I worked late then 22 hours of labor, no break).  I expected the same this time around, since I'm finding it next to impossible to imagine my new little girl as anything other than Clara Part II.  But maybe not...maybe this one is a little more cooperative.  She hardly ever wakes me up with kicks, she stayed inside until Daddy met his big deadline, and she is letting Mommy have at least one day of restful alone time.  Bless your heart, baby girl.

But keep it short.  First of all, Nesting + Maternity Leave + Pre-Black Friday Coupons Pouring in my Inbox + Christmas Spirit = Recipe for Overspending While I Still Can (But Shouldn't).  Not to mention the more serious equation of  Sweet Tooth + Holiday Treats + Nobody Looking = Abnormal Glucose Test Results.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here at home over the next 11 weeks and plan to keep you all posted on the fascinating goings-on of the Bowden family as it grows to include, as Clara would say, "Three Princesses ... and Aaron."

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