Sunday. Day of family, day of laundry, day of (cue doomsday music) meal planning. Making three meals a day (or more) for a 20 month old can be really frightening. For me, a measure of motherhood is how diverse, nutritionally balanced, visually appealing, and well-received the child's diet is. Imagine me beaming with pride when the labor and delivery nurse announced my 9 pound Jabba with "Mommy must really love cheeseburgers!"
This worked well for me when I was exclusively breastfeeding. Diverse? My own diet is very diverse, and that's what the milk was made of, right? Well-received? Of course. Nutritionally balanced? You betcha. Visually appealing? And how!
Then came the mushy solids. Grossed out by Gerber but too busy to make my own, I bought fancy organic baby food from Whole Foods. Nothing but the best for Clara! At 11 months when I stopped pumping, I needed to fill in the gaps with formula. Ick! Oh, how I agonized! But the first day I sent the bottle of Horizon Organic Formula to school with Clara, I felt so ... liberated. And it turns out formula isn't rat poison after all.
At Clara's daycare, I always try to sneak a peek at the other kids' lunch boxes. Are their parents more creative than me? A teacher once commended me on never packing "plastic food" (aka Gerber Graduates microwave meals). I couldn't wait to call my husband and share this small (ok, totally huge) victory.
Now, though, Clara has her own opinions. And Clara prefers pasta. All kinds, but mostly Mac n Cheese. She has a reputation. Not yet two years old, her friend McKenzie announces when Clara enters the classroom, "Clara's here. Clara's going to eat pasta." Embarrassed but sick of the struggle, I relented. Pasta. Every day. As Aaron, ever in favor of making my life easier, points out, "That's what Italian kids eat, right?" Right.
And organic everything? Ha! That went out the window when the food throwing phase began. Tossing tub after tub of organic yogurt really hurts when there's a recession on. Goldfish and cereal bars and (gasp) boca burgers are now welcome here. Pirates Booty and raisins for dinner? Sounds like a balanced meal to me. By the looks of those cheeks, I think she's pretty well-nourished.
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