This worked well for me when I was exclusively breastfeeding. Diverse? My own diet is very diverse, and that's what the milk was made of, right? Well-received? Of course. Nutritionally balanced? You betcha. Visually appealing? And how!
Then came the mushy solids. Grossed out by Gerber but too busy to make my own, I bought fancy organic baby food from Whole Foods. Nothing but the best for Clara! At 11 months when I stopped pumping, I needed to fill in the gaps with formula. Ick! Oh, how I agonized! But the first day I sent the bottle of Horizon Organic Formula to school with Clara, I felt so ... liberated. And it turns out formula isn't rat poison after all.
At Clara's daycare, I always try to sneak a peek at the other kids' lunch boxes. Are their parents more creative than me? A teacher once commended me on never packing "plastic food" (aka Gerber Graduates microwave meals). I couldn't wait to call my husband and share this small (ok, totally huge) victory.
Now, though, Clara has her own opinions. And Clara prefers pasta. All kinds, but mostly Mac n Cheese. She has a reputation. Not yet two years old, her friend McKenzie announces when Clara enters the classroom, "Clara's here. Clara's going to eat pasta." Embarrassed but sick of the struggle, I relented. Pasta. Every day. As Aaron, ever in favor of making my life easier, points out, "That's what Italian kids eat, right?" Right.

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